9 Reasons Why 476 Guitarists Have Joined LGIL Premium:
To stop feeling overwhelmed when learning through YouTube and to start enjoying every practice.
To access 120 hours of structured, fun and enjoyable acoustic courses. (Full course listing below.)
To make faster progress and get a custom practice plan by submitting their guitar playing. (For feedback from Drue.)
To learn fingerstyle, rhythm, music theory and more in the Live Interactive Acoustic Webinars
To get PDF TAB, Guitar Pro Files and automatic progress tracking on ALL lessons.
So they can watch from any device at anytime. They can even download the lessons to watch later.
To learn at their own pace with easy to follow lessons that fit around their schedule.
To join 443 other members at the LGIL Premium Facebook Group.
Because there's no risk. FREE 10 DAY TRIAL - Backed up by Drue's 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Clear, Patient and Down To Earth Guitar Tuition
Premium Acoustic Courses That Make Learning Enjoyable And Fun
Fingerstyle Freedom - 36 Videos – 31 TAB SHEETS – 245 minutes
Do you ever feel that if someone was listening to you strumming they wouldn’t recognise the song you’re playing?
Strumming is important when learning guitar, but without a singer you can sometimes “lose” the song.
Fingerstyle is unique because you play the accompaniment AND the singing at the same time. It’s this combination of rhythm and melody that can really capture an audiences imagination.
Fingerstyle CAN be beginner friendly, you just need the right balance of structure and inspiring songs.
That’s why Fingerstyle Freedom is ALL about songs. Right from the first lesson, each “mini” song will inspire your playing.
The course has 3 main modules with a total of 36 lessons:
- 101 Core fingerpicking Techniques Taught With Clarity and Patience.
- How To Play Travis Style – The Cornerstone Of All Folk Fingerstyle Guitar
- Fingerstyle Speed Training, Learning By Ear and Many More.
Natural Rhythm - 35 Videos - 18 TAB SHEETS - 181 Minutes
90% of self taught guitarists struggle with rhythm and time keeping.
Natural Rhythm was made for self taught guitarists (of all abilities) who want to improve their rhythm and discover that “missing link” when learning by themselves.
The backbone of Natural Rhythm teaches you how to keep time, read and play along with 153 different rhythms.
If you’re ever stuck trying to find the rhythm to a song then Natural Rhythm will make it easier for you to pick up the strumming pattern by ear.
Natural Rhythm enhances your ability to play with others and ultimately sound more like your favourite songs.
Beginners Acoustic - 60 Videos - 35 TAB SHEETS - 387 Minutes
Starting from the beginning? Or perhaps starting again?
Learn “classic” songs by Johnny Cash, The Eagles, Nirvana, REM, The Beatles and Coldplay.
For all beginners the biggest challenge when learning online is to avoid frustration and getting overwhelmed.
That’s why each lesson in Beginners Acoustic has “mini win lessons”.
Each video will give you a feeling of accomplishment (through short and easy songs) as you practice towards mastering the basics.
No more frustration at not knowing what to practice. Beginners Acoustic has 12 modules with concise practice plans. You’ll know what to practice and for how long.
By the end of this course you’ll be able to play 30 songs and riffs.
More Acoustic Courses…
Barre Chord Buster - 12 Videos - 78 minutes
Barre Chord Buster has 3 unique muscles building exercises. When used daily each one will get your barre chords sounding cleaner and more natural.
By the end of this course you’ll know 96 new chords and you’ll have the music theory “know how” to find each one anywhere on the guitar neck.
Sing & Strum E Course - 10 Videos - 68 minutes
The Sing & Strum E Course is a unique step by step method for learning how to sing and play easy acoustic songs.
It works by teaching you how to learn the guitar section subconsciously and then breaking the song down into simple parts so you can add the singing in stages.
And Even More Acoustic Courses...
Drue's Blues - Volume 1
(12 fingerstyle blues song lessons for middle beginner players)
Intermediate Acoustic
(25 lesson course taking you beyond the beginner stages and into new techniques and music theory)
"Beyond" Fingerstyle Freedom
(Intermediate fingerstyle course with 30 lessons)
Beginners Classical
(12 beginner friendly classical guitar lessons)
4 Quick Start Courses
(Learn strumming, fingerstyle and how to make faster chord changes)
Essential Warm Ups + Hand Stretches
(4 hand muscle building exercises for all skill levels)
20 Intermediate Classic Acoustic Guitar Songs
(Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Neil Young, James Taylor etc...)
Why Learning With Others Is Massively Motivating (And How Sharing Songs Will Inspire Your Own Journey)
LGIL Premium is founded on community.
ALL members get exclusive access to LIVE Q & A Webinars. Each interactive lesson is focused on a one guitar topic. For example, strumming, fingerstyle, music theory, songwriting and ear training. We also hold a virtual open mic session where members can share their songs.
Full support is provided through live chat and PDF downloads.
If you can't attend a webinar then all sessions are recorded and available to watch later or download.
LGIL Premium Member Benefits
LIMITED TIME - Free Bonuses For All New Members
How To Create Your Own Guitar Solos - 6 Videos - 8 TAB SHEETS - 90 Minutes
£39.99 FREE
- Learning to improvise lead guitar not only makes you a better player it also strengthens your own “inner musical voice”
- Nothing comes closer to sheer expression than creating your own guitar solos.
- It's easy to get started. You just need to learn one scale and practice it over a backing track.
- Other guitar sites offer “backing tracks” but they don’t show you how to improvise (write your own solos) with them.
- That’s why each 10 minute track at PSA is supported with a video tutorial that introduces a new scale.
- You'll learn how to create melodic guitar solos using 5 different scales.
- You'll also discover how to play these scales in any place on the guitar neck. You'll no longer be trapped in the scale box.
Beginners Classical - 12 Videos – 10 TAB SHEETS – 154 minutes
£29.99 FREE
Beginners Classical has 10 song lessons by the world’s greatest composers. (Bach, Beethoven and Carulli)
Watch the course preview video below.

Drue's 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
I want ALL new members to have a positive experience when they're using the LGIL Premium.
To do this I'm offering a risk free 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
If your guitar playing doesn’t improve or you're not using Premium then email me drue@premium-student-area.com for a full and prompt refund.
Start Your FREE 10 Day Trial Now
IMPORTANT - Your invite to LGIL Premium is only valid for 72 hours.
Once the deadline has expired your space will be given to the next in line.